Category: Featured

I Quit

Sometimes the easiest way to solve a problem is to stop participating in the problem. The smartest choice is to say “I quit”. I don’t think that quitting should be your primary method for dealing with problems. But there are certainly a lot of cases where it just seems to be the most intelligent answer. …

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I don’t know where I’m going, but I do know where I’ve been.


Leadership- It’s up to the followers.

Leadership, are you a born leader? More importantly, are you a born follower.


Reduce the Winter Time Blues


Simply the best!

Some artists have the ability to reach across generations. I never envisioned Beth Hart as being one. She has the ability  to  reach the depths of her soul unlike any other living artist. This video was shot this spring in a Catholic Junior High School in Chattanooga, TN. Her magic worked there as well. Listen …

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Ink Calander by Oscar Diaz

Spanish designer Oscar Diaz has designed a calender that uses the capillary action of ink spreading across paper to display the date. The ink is absorbed slowly, and the numbers are printed daily. One a day, until the end of the month. He uses different colored ink for each month to symbolize the changing seasons. …

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Right of Passage

For sons of farmers in the Midwest this, “Right of Passage”, occures by the age of ten. Surburban, “Soccer Fathers” usually experience the thrill by age thirty. For me it happened two days ago. After investing in a Garden Tractor, not a Lawn Tractor, I was presented with my first John Deere hat. I mention …

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